PB is now a 1/2 year old... 6 months for those not all with it. i am shocked that i made it, let alone her... i mean.. shes growing.. thriving, and ive never dropped her! and thats HUGE for someone who is super clumsey.. like moi :D

She has started this high pitched SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEECHING noise, that makes me want to rip my ears off of my head, she does it all day long. the grandparents think its adorable... i tell them they can keep her. they laugh. she can now sit up, all by her lonesome, she just needs help getting into the sitting position. she now is getting up on her knees and rocking.. she wants to move, she always has so i know it will be soon for her chub butt to crawl... i was pushing her tiny hieny back down... pregnant mommy not ready to chase her right now, but i stopped lol. damnit.

this week i am 9 weeks pregnant, and as i am getting more and more excited about it, im still in a bit of a dark place about the whole thing... i dont like talking about it, unless im venting, i try not to think about it all day.. except when im making my food choices, and reminding myself that i need to rest, eat, drink something, and pee. past that.. i ignore the whole thing... just not ready. i will be. my hyperemsis came back.. HOORAY! ugh. back on pills thankfully... pregnancy for me just sucks, i hate it. wheres the damn stork? cant some big giant bird, just drop this one off... say when its about 2? I love my daughter.. but babies? eh. other peoples babies are WONDERFUL, but living with one? notsomuchfun. not for me anyway, and trust me, my kids super cute i just like people who can function lol 

house hunting has begun... im not looking for something brandy new, as i like a house with some history... i am looking for something big enough, with a yard, and something i can make my own (well.. ours)... but deff something our kids can grow into, in a good neighborhood... ive moved way to much, so we're looking for this one to be the last, for a long time. im excited about this. but... leaving some people around me now, will be hard but we arent leaving the state, just the county.

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