I can be queen of this, blame it on my ADHD, blame it on I am a new mom, blame it on... the rain ;) PCOS plays a huge part in my weight, getting a late diagnosis plays a bigger part, but lately? its just laziness. I know what I am supposed to do to get this chub off of me, I am aware that I need to cut back on the yummy goodness that is carbs, I know I need to increase my veggie and fruit intake, and eat lean meats, that arent breaded and cooked in yummy fat. I know I cant eat an entire pacakge of double stuff oreos... will power left me at birth.

So I have this thing.. i sometimes call the parasite, at times the tyrant.. but usually its peanut butter, PB for short (what? shes mushy and sticky like peanut butter), this is my baby she is 4 months old, and cute as pie and no she isnt asian, not even a little. I need to be healthy for her, or atleast as healthy as i can be. i owe it to her cute lil butt! even if she tried to kill me. (and she sooooo did). But how?  Ive been lazy with my health for 27 years, thats where this happy spot of the internet that i am now calling home, comes in... this will be my "get your ass movin" kick in the hiney i need.

As of today I am 182lbs (hangs head) I am 5'2" (i dont look my weight.. i SWEAR i dont... only plus side... aside from my ass)... goal? by summer.. be 20 lbs lighter, but next january, be 40 pounds lighter... sounds easy enough right? well not when you have PCOS and are a diabetic, and have a 4month old who keeps you from doing things like prepareing food, that isnt pizza rolls...But I will do it, I will have slip ups, it wont be easy.. but damnit...I WILL BE SKINNY!

So look out world.. this chicks goin on a skinny!


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