3 pounds were lost off of this almost fluffy body, I ate what I wanted, I drank what I wanted and I sat down. I didnt even try, it just came off now before you get all "damnit i hate you" on me, ive been sick since sunday, its now saturday and am still having a bit of tummy troubles, not tummy virus troubles either, i dont know WHATS going on.. but at the moment I dont care, the scale says im lighter, so lighter I shall be, and not ask questions.

I finally got to get out of the house, ive been stuck in here, snowed in, then iced in, then sick stuck in, for 3 weeks. thats right people... THREE WEEKS!!! once with the baby we took a trip to babies r us, so i could snag a few things for her and my nephew, because he is very spoiled and i can not help myself. The second time i snuck out of here, was for dinner with a friend, I havent been out with a friend in nearly 4 months so it was WONDERFUL! i didnt care how long the wait was for a table, i didnt care that there was traffic, I WAS ALONE! IN THE CAR! MUSIC BLASTING SINGING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS! and didnt run the risk of wakeing the baby. it was BEAUTIFUL. I of course asked my husband how the baby was, he inturn told me to stop worrying... easy for him that kids with me 24/7 so of course im going to wonder, and im going to ask, and your going to tell me because ill shank ANYONE if something happens to her, i work hard at not killing this child (and i mean this in, shes clean, fed, ive NEVER dropped her, i have hit her head, i may or may not have accidentaly chocked her while trying to button a shirt that buttoned in the back..)(dont give me that.... you know youve done it!!) so when i am not with her, i better not come home to a hair misplaced on her head, or im gonna go all mama bear on you.

Kip ( I have told my husbands name??? well its Kip.. just kip) and I talked about together, how dieting for me, is pointless, becuase eventually i have to get off the diet, and then what? I am not going to push to many things on myself at one time, with the baby its not easy, I take time out of the day, every day for myself, but sometimes thats only 5 minutes, sometimes its more. so working out, isnt always an option for me, but i do housework, im up and down with the baby, so when i get the chance i do it, but if i didnt have a moment, im not allowed to beat myself up over it. eating... Im going foodshopping this week, we had to use up the food already here, and ive made the best choices i could, with whats available at the house, and ive done fairly well. So sunday is foodshopping, and the new foods will be worked in, kip is willing to eat what i eat (for the most part) but he is a very picky eater, so it wont always be easy. we shall see.

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